It's been some time since I've put down prims. But, I figured it was time to do a little decorating. I didn't expect to dive into my project with so much vigour, but the autumn theme got me in the mood. I'm sad to say that my little house won't be around for much longer. I only began renting at the beginning of this month, and just received a notice that my sim is closing. It's very frustrating because so much time and effort was put into this parcel. But... c'est la vie.
I'd like to thank a very special friend of mine for all the work she did on this project.
Crain Lorefield. All of the outside landscaping and deco is thanks to her. She's a genius at landscaping sims and I've told her repeatedly that she should hire herself out. haha. Watching her turn my bare parcel into a swamp/stream/redwood forest was unreal. I couldn't believe how she turned something ugly into something so beautiful. If you're in the need of a landscaper and want someone who is super creative, then IM Crain Lorefield.
The house I used is from last year's Seasons hunt. It's called The Caramel House by Lindini2 Lane. It's currently on sale for L$100. However, I did mod this house a little bit. I extended two rooms, added a second mantel and changed the wallpaper in the bedroom. Crain also added a chimney and patio. I love that this house is mod and I'm especially found of L2 Studio builds.
For the credits, I made a effort to include a landmark. It took a long time to list everything out so that's why the creator's names aren't there. It's nothing personal, just a bit time consuming and I figured it's better to be able to tp to buy the product.
Fence -
emm - hello autumn, it's me {mixed leaves}
Rocks -
DECO - Cliff Rock
Vines - [[[nocc.]]] ivy03_moss green by nocco.oldrich
The inside of this house was such a blast to decorate. My friend Phedre came over and helped me too. So, I need to thank her for her encouragement and assistance.
Boots, Stool & Vase -
{what next} Boathouse Cottage Cut Flowers
Coat Rack -
LISP - Mathilde Coat Rack
Picture -
POST / Chinese Landscape Painting
Side Cabinet & Light -
LISP - Anna Cabinet A - Brown
Kitchen -
LISP - Vine "Vite" Bistro Kitchen
Chairs -
[ARIA] Bryony dining chair
High Chair -
Y's HOUSE - Wooden High Stool 001
Shelf -
MMG's - Wall shelving-nutmeg
Pie & Deco -
AB - Part of Cabinet
Espresso Machine -
LITHIUM - Espresso machine
Fireplace -
[SPRY] pied-a-terre fireplace (part of a build)
Painting -
Zigana - drawings
Vase - LISP - Celeste Orchid
Bird - LISP - Bird Specimen Piranga
Firewood basket - {what next} Laurel Log Basket
Sofa & Chair - LISP - Anna Set
Rug - {what next} Laurel Rug
3 Frames - LISP - Vintage Boudoir Pictures
Record Player - LISP - Groovy Lispette
Curtains -
Nordari - autumn.curtain
Table behind Sofa -
[Zigana] Apothecary cabinet
Fan - LISP - Fan - Texture Change
Vase w/ letters - {what next} Laurel Cottage Tulips & Morning Mail
Radiator -
:: AB :: Boho Radiator
Chair -
MH - canvas chair (cream)
Lamp -
Books - {what next} Laurel Book Pile
Computer -
[AF] - AIR Notebook
Piggy Bank - Sway's [Piggy Bank] Pastel - pink (gacha)
Plant - LISP - Vintage Pot Plant
Map -
PILOT - Traveler's Map 3

Vase -
LISP - Lullaby Flower Arrangement
Because I'm going to be leaving this land soon, I'm going to leave it open to the public. If you'd like to see it for yourself and check out the items that I wasn't able to list, you're more than welcome. Here's your
wagon ride to my home. Enjoy <3 p="p">